What Your Child Really Needs to Know For Kindergarten
As many of us have realized the demands of Kindergarten students have increased immensely in recent years. I am a firm believer that children are underestimated in their abilities.They need to explore the world, try new things and learn to be independent I have sent three children of my own to Kindergarten and have taught too many to count over the last 22 years. I have compiled a list of eight skills that all Kindergarten students should have before September and it has almost nothing to do with academics. 1. Children should be able to sit and listen to a story with no interruption or talking. They should also be able to retell that story in sequential order. 2. Children should be independent in the bathroom. This one is so important! Teachers will not be able to assist each individual child with cleaning themselves, or buttoning pants etc. 3. Children should know how to buckle themselves in a seat belt. Most children are still in som...