Don't "Create" Summertime Memories!
Lets face it many of this have this notion that summertime must be filled with trips, BBQ's, daily organized events, camps etc in order to create wonderful memories for our children. Take a minute and think back to your childhood at 3, 4 or 5 years old or even 6, 7 or 8. What do you remember most?
My husband remembers, playing outside and eating corn on the cob at the picnic table in the back yard. I remember running around the yard in the rain and wading in the creek at my Nana's house. Simple, sponatneous, and unscripted memories. Memories that make us smile and remember simpler times. i think we turned out OK!
I hear parents stress about planning elaborate vacations or experiences for their families, finding the best summer camps or scouring pinterest for craft projects (ones that take hours to prepare and capture our children's interest for 5 minuts). I give you permission to let your children to be bored! From boredom comes creativity and sponatneous activity. From boredom our children learn to think out of the box. I give you permission to allow your children to entertain themselves! The best memories can not scripted and planned. They just happen. They come from the times we laugh, the times we try something new, the times we make messes. When we jump in puddles, roll down a hill, sit around a campfire, play outside until the street lights come on, eat corn on the cob with our siblings in the back yard or run around in the rain.
My advice to parents today: don't get caught up in the hype of more is better. Sometimes simple is the best thing we can can offer our children..
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